Orchestra Chops Vol. 2 by Joseph Conyers Out Now!
7 commonly requested orchestral excerpts, essential techniques, and inspiring lessons.
Orchestra Chops: The Complete Collection
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Interview/Demonstration with Joesph Conyers
In this video, Joseph Conyers demonstrates and explains his iconic bow hold. He shares how it has evolved over time and how his approach helps him get that amazing tone. Joseph’s French bow hold is quite unusual, so we dig into the details and share how you can use his approach.
At the end of the video, there's a performance of an orchestral excerpt that features in his new course: Gustav Mahler, Symphony No. 2 "Resurrection", Movement I (mm. 1-20).
Orchestra Chops Vol. 2 features seven popular excerpts including Mahler, Brahms, Mozart, and Mussorksy! Find out more about the course here.
Please find the Italian bow hold video by Gabriele Ragghianti here:
Joseph also references two of his teachers, Hal Robinson and Kevin Mauldin.
Check out Joseph’s Courses
Orchestra Chops Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 are out now. Or, invest in Orchestra Chops: The Complete Collection and save $30.

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Joe shares his advice on how to nail the orchestral audition, with experience from both sides of the audition panel.